SKEPTIC: A Quarterly Publication of the Skeptics Society, Devoted to the Investigation of Extraordinary Claims & Revolutionary Ideas & the Promotion of Science & Critical Thinking



12 Skeptics Society 1996 Conference A Huge Success

14 Publishing Controversy

16 Gathering for Gardner II

17 Skeptics Walk on Fire For Bill Nye "the Science Guy."

Deconstruction Self-Destructs; Another National Skeptics Group; Attention Chicago Skeptics; Bad Writing Contest; Deaths in Major Sect; The Mysterious (and Profitable) Origins of Man; Millennium Mystery or Misinformation?;

19 Patterson Bigfoot Hoax

Gallup Poll Results: Hell/Devil Gainers, Science/Rationality Losers; Edgar Mitchell's Carefully Omissive Interview.

20 Iron Butterfly Band Member Disappears After Working on Faster Than Light Communication. Is He In A Godda Da Vida?


Hollywood Skepticism; A "Spiritual "Experience; Never Been So Edified; Tipler Has Had It; Replace God-With What?; Replace God-With Nothing; Breasts Are For Babies Not Men; Breasts and Brains; What Women See in Men; Two Confusions-Daniel Dennett Responds; The E-Word; Gish Overrated, But Useful; Creationists Drown in Flood; The I.Q. Toll; Gould Against Affirmative Action?; The Thin Veneer of Civility; Hartung and Chait Are Both Right_and Wrong; Hartung Misinformed; Constructive Revisionism; In the Name of God, Nazi Style; Spinoza's Stone; Leave God to the Philosophers; Velikovsky's Place Clarified; Scientific Facelift; Shame on Skeptic; Why Hide Church Secrets?; Jacobsen Responds to Scientology; Miss Blood Speaks; No Liberal Conspiracy; Say What? Miele Replies.

31 Dr. Tipler _ Dr. Asimov: Or How I Learned to Love the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

10 'Twas Brillig-Commentary: Save Fuel, the Nation, the Environment, Money_Sure. By James Randi.

32 Whose is the Higher Superstition? Reflections on the Need for Skeptical Open-Mindedness in the Days to Come. By Richard Olson

36 Cosmythology: Was the Universe Designed to Produce Us? By Victor J. Stenger

111 The Question All Skeptics are Asking: What Was Adam's IQ? By Bernard Leikind.

112 Authors & Contributors


42 Interview: Living Within Limits & Limits on Living: Garrett Hardin on Ecology, Economy, and Ethics By Frank Miele

48 Toward a Science of Morality By Roger Bingham

50 In Our Own Self Image: The Evolution of Morality, Deception, and Religion By William Irons

62 Prospects For Existence: Morality and Genetic Engineering By John Hartung

72 Plants, Property, and People: Should Indigenous Peoples Be Compensated For Their Medicinal Plant Knowledge? By Alondra OubreĀ“

78 The Secular Sphinx: The Riddle of Ethics Without Religion By Michael Shermer

88 Why Creationists Fear Evolution: An Introduction to Bryan's Last Speech

90 The Most Powerful Argument Against Evolution Ever Made: The Undelivered Speech to the Jury in the Scopes' Trial By William Jennings Bryan


101 Books in Review

Psychotherapeutic Witch Hunting-Satan's Silence: Ritual Abuse and the Making of a Modern American Witch Hunt, by Debbie Nathan and Michael Snedeker; and Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment, by Colin Ross, M.D. Reviewed by Jeffrey S. Victor.

Leaps of Logic-Leaps of Faith: Science, Miracles, and the Search for Supernatural Consolation, by Nicholas Humphrey. Reviewed by Fred Bratman.

Mother Not So Superior-The Missionary Position-Mother Teresa In Theory and Practice, by Christopher Hitchens. Reviewed by Frank Miele.

106 Books in Brief

How Could You Do That?!: The Abdication of Character, Courage, and Conscience, by Laura Schlessinger; Issues in Evolutionary Ethics, edited by Paul Thompson; Narrow Roads of Gene Land,Volume 1: Evolution of Social Behaviour, by W. D. Hamilton; The Temptations of Evolutionary Ethics, by Paul Lawrence Farber; Emotions in Command: A Naturalistic Study of Institutional Dominance, by Frank Kemp Salter; The Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution, by John Brockman; Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, by James W. Loewen; The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, by Carl Sagan; The Unconscious Quantum: Metaphysics in Modern Physics and Cosmology, by Victor J. Stenger; Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology, by Kenneth L. Feder; The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal, edited by Gordon Stein; Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History, by Mary Lefkowitz; They Say You're Crazy: How the World's Most Powerful Psychiatrists Decide Who's Normal, by Paula J. Caplan, Who Wrote the New Testament?: The Making of the Christian Myth, by Burton L. Mack.

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